I have been doing quite a bit of research on Bantu Knots and decided to knot my hair and see what kind of results I would get. Well last Saturday I deep conditioned my hair with Coconut Oil, then I washed it out with my regular shampoo.
My first decision was to let my hair air dry and then I decided against so I roller set my hair. When it was dry, I removed the curlers and combed my hair into some Bantu Knots.
Putting my hair in Bantu Knots when my hair is wet, will result in my hair being too curly. I combed out my hair on Sunday morning and this is the result. What do you think?
I don't really like it but maybe I have to do it a few times for me to get accustomed to it. I really don't like to see my ends sticking out like that. My next experiment is to braid my hair (vertically) and see what the end results will be.
The last three pictures are of my lovely daughter. The first one of her is when she cut her hair in 2008. Soon after, she realized that she did not like it and had braids installed. The style looks great but it entails alot of maintenance. To get a good look, most mornings she would use her curling iron.
In addition to that, she was forced to take care of her hair because she was not able to comb it into ponytail or bun. Which she loves to do basically every day.
The last two pictures of her - she had her hair touch up about three days ago and it has grown very nicely.
Maybe the reason your hair is sticking out is because of the direction you're twisting the knots in. Try the opposite way, it might work better.
Your daughters hair has grown out very nice.
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