Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Black Woman With Her Hair All Natural

I have not been browsing on Facebook for a while and yesterday I spent a few minutes and I found this beautiful photo of my niece-in-law.  This is a photo of a beautiful black woman with her hair all natural!  I did not realize that she was going natural until I saw this photo.  And her hair is so long.  The thing about black women hair is that you can only realize its full length until you maybe blow dry it or put some texturizer in it.  But trust me her hair is very long.  Again I am tempted but....... 

In this other photo, she has applied a homemade treatment to her hair.  I really admire her commitment to stock to this journey.  It seems like she is really enjoying it.

She made her treatment with avocado, raw shea butter, 100% olive oil and honey.  The shea butter is melted and mixed with the other ingredients.  She then put the mixture into her hair and go under the dryer for thirty minutes.   If you don't have a hair dryer, you can place a shower cap over your head for approximately one hour. After that is done, your wash hair.