Friday, July 31, 2009


My friend sent me this picture of her husband this morning and I was absolutely speechless!!! I was lost for words. Oh my!!!! Let's see if I could at least come up with some adjectives:  AMAZING, AWESOME, GORGEOUS, WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL, FANTASTIC

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Friday, July 24, 2009

My Personal Hair Care Tips

Proper Hair Ethics:
Do not share hair combs and brushes. Lets say (for example) you borrow a friend’s comb or hair brush and that person has dandruff, you are guarantee to get dandruff as well. 

When having a touch up done on your relaxed hair, do not apply a permanent color to your hair the same day. It damages the hair. Most hairdressers advise that the permanent color be applied about two weeks after the touch up is done. A semi permanent dye, however, can be applied the same day as the touch up. It is a color as well as a hair treatment. 

A good home hair treatment is to apply blended rosemary herb to the hair. Go under your hair dryer for about 20 minutes and then wash your hair as regular. I do not particularly like hair dryers so I place a shower cap over my hair for one hour. During this time I would do my regular house chores. If you don’t have time for a home hair treatment, make a visit to your hairdresser. 

I love Olive Oil hair products. There is an Olive oil moisturizer (it is in a spray form) that my son introduced me to when he wore his hair long and mostly had it plait in pretty corn row styles (which his sister did for him occasionally). It is absolutely great! I would sometimes spray my relaxed hair after I have washed it or after roller setting. 

Also if my hair is a bit dry, I would apply a little spray. Try to avoid using blow dryers and curling irons regularly, it damages and breaks the hair. Try and make an extra effort to tie your hair before going to sleep at night. Leaving the hair open out, may cause a bit of breakage. 

Personally, if I leave my hair open out and go to sleep, sometime during the night I may find my husband arm on my hair and in my attempt to remove my hair it breaks. This absolutely aggravates me. The only time I will blow dry my hair is when I go to the hair dresser and I am not in the mood to go under the hair dryer, I will let them blow dry my hair. 

On a regular basis, while I'm having my pedicure done, I would go under the hair dryer. Try and avoid pulling back your hair in a ponytail or bun everyday, it recedes the hairline after a while. Come on ladies, we as black women have beautiful hair, lets take care of hair and let the world see our beautiful hair.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I need your help!!

Hey guys, please help me out!!!! I am embarrassed! I saw this lady today at the store and her hair looked so lovely, I eventually walked up to her and asked for her picture. Again, she was more responsive when I told her that I wanted a picture from the back.
Well the thing was, where she was standing, there was a lot of light so I had to adjust my camera a few times to get a variety of pictures of her. My attempts to adjust my camera was taking too long so she eventually had to leave. This is my first partial let down guys.

I found a cute widget for my satisfied viewers to make a donation to help me purchase a Nikon Digital camera. No more embarrassment!! The location of the widget is just under my visitors widget. I initially has a simple PayPal button but in my search to add some content with the button, I found this cool widget.

I just checked my camera to see if I was able to capture any good pictures and one of them does look good. The final test is when I get home this evening and download the pictures.

I uploaded the pictures at 6:30pm and they look great. I had to discard two out of the set that I was able to capture of her. I did not even get a chance to get her email address so I could send her an email with the URL for this blog. Oh well, I hope I see her soon again.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lets discuss Weaves and Braids.

This is my niece-in-law, I wrote about her on one of my earlier post - see here.

I recently learned that for each blog posting there is a URL for it. I was under the impression that it would be a task to retrieve an old post or to refer someone to it. Now that I know that each post has its unique URL, I can occasionally refer some older post. Cool!!!

My niece-in-law is presently in the BVI on holidays and from what I am seeing in her lifestyle she is having a grand time. I can also tell that she absolutely loves herself. Way to go sweetie! I am proud of you!!! You have got to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Just remember that!

She is a very talented young lady, in the hair braiding field. The other day I saw her and she had a weave in her hair and another time it was well braided.

Most people braid and weave their hair because they want to give their hair a 'rest' from the relaxers and in a hope that it will grow. The hair will grow but personally I think it damages the ends of the hair.

But of course we can't exclude the major fact why people braid and weave their - the latest fashion!
I remember when I use to braid my hair regular, the first day I may be in a little pain because my hair was plait to tight. After a while the plaits would slacken up. I read that plaiting the hair too tight causes breakage as well.
Removing the braids is another issue. I notice that my hair is dry and there was a lot of breakage after the braids have been removed. The next step would to be deep condition the hair.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Interested in building a sucessful website?

I just inserted this video on my website and I decided that it is good thing to share with my blog viewers. I remember my first attempts to create my website (I used the free ones). My website looked pretty alright but I was getting NO traffic at all. I read about this traffic thing online, and I found a variety of websites telling me that I would have to promote my website, which of course would have costed me an arm and a leg.Well as you would guess I never got anywhere. Until one day my son told me about SBI (Site Build It)and I never turned back since.

Interested in building a successful website? Check out this video.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I am having alot of fun!

You should see me harrassing my friends for their pictures. I don't care, I am having alot of fun. One of my friends posted her picture of herself and her husband and I was absolutely blowen away. They both wear 'locks' hairstyles.

I have to find out what the real name of this hairstyle is. Because she said something today that had me wondering. She used the word 'Dreads', now in my opinion, I thought that this name was used for people who are following the rastafarian lifestyle.

She said that they had just come out of the beach and their hair was a mess. Not in my eyes. I just love that picture. I remember when she started to grow her hair. Do you see the length of her husband's hair???? WOW!!!!

Of course I asked her to send me one of her from the back and the obliged. She looked so pretty in the one facing forward that I had to include it too. The amazing thing about this hairstyle, you can create a variety of styles.

The picture at the bottom is of my cousin (the best for last). She is a canadian. She is such a beautiful woman, I have even asked her to send me a picture of her facing front. I want to show off my cousin.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Neutrogena Hair Products

Today I went in the store to purchase some hair conditioner (I presently use Herbal Essence) and decided to see if I could get a product for my relaxed hair as I notice that it is breaking alot. I also remembered that one of the ladies in the YouTube videos talked using Neutrogena products in her hair. So I decided to purchase this product - Neutrogena Triple Moisture Leave In Cream

I am a major fan of Neutrogena products. Some years aback, I had an acne problem and I was introduced to Neutrogena and never turned back. I still used the acne facial wash. I am surprised I never thought about using this product in my hair. I just know that I would see great results. 

It is moisturizer and should be applied specifically to the ends of the hair. I would give a feed back about this product. I would also be trying other Neutrogena hair products. The thing about here in the BVI, there would be a certain time I would get a product that I like and a next time when I go back to the store, they are out of stock. 

My only alternative is to make a trip to St. Thomas USVI and purchase my items there. My other alternative is to purchase online but sometimes the delivery fees are quite high (more than the items sometimes). I had a few opportunities to get some pictures of some models this week but I was so busy I had to just let them go about their business. Today, however, I had a little free time and this young lady came into the store. 

At first I thought that she in some extensions installed into her hair but it looked real. I boldly asked her and she responded positively. She works at Delta Petroleum Gas Station and she is from Jamaica.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hair Tips

My son as well as one of my viewers suggested that I added some hair tips to my blog. So I thought that it would be a good idea to get some videos on the subject - tips on hair care. I was amazed on the amount of videos there are on the subject. Well I will start with these two.

After watching all these YouTube videos, it re ignited my desire to grow my hair long. But of course it all starts with how you treat your hair. So I washed my hair and roller set it. Tomorrow morning when I wake up, I will remove the rollers and wrap my hair but before wrapping it, I would following one of the tips mentioned above and ensure that I apply some of my moisturizing cream to the ends of my hair.

I remember when I first started my hair growth journey, my daughter was always telling me that I should wrap my hair and my response was that it was too difficult. But my mother said 'Practice makes perfect'. I tried and tried and eventually I got the hang of it.

I could never understand why my hairdresser would roller set my hair and THEN wrap it. Then one day she explained that roller setting it first gives the hair some 'bounce'. Now after I remove the rollers, my hair is very puffy so wrapping it would flatten out the puffiness.

I see alot of people talking about wrapping their hair with a silk head tie. But with me by the next morning, that silk head tie would be some other part of the bed. So I use a cotton head tie.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I like your locks!

I was going through my friends pictures in Facebook about two days ago and I came across these photos, like they were taken especially for me. The model in the picture is my daughter's friend. After a few emails back and forth, I got her permission to include these pictures in my blog.

It was never my initial intention to insert pictures of models with their hair in 'locks' but the whole intention is about beautiful hair right??? But to be honest with you, there are a few people who take pride and joy in their 'locks' and have them well kept. I admire these people.

It has been the latest fashion within the recent years and I notice that the hair grows very quickly and long.

I have another friend that both she and her husband wear this hairstyle. I have already asked her to send me some pictures.

Martina Jackson

Monday, July 13, 2009

Wild Indian

I had some fun with my co-workers this morning. My
friend Larry (thats her in the first two bottom right pictures) was passing her hands in hair in a
distressed way and I asked her what was the matter and she said that she could not find her comb. Apparently she washed her hair this weekend and just wrapped it and she did not like how it was looking. I told that I liked the look and compared her with the Indian women in the
cowboy and Indians movies. I called her Wild Indian.
I took this picture of her and she looks so lovely.
My other co-worker (in the other two pictures - bottom left), is from Haiti and she just returned to work today - she was away for a few weeks and her hair looked so lovely I just had to get her picture so I could add it to my blog. She is leaving
the company in two weeks and I may not get the opportunity again. I really like the rust, light brown color of her hair.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Monet Lisa!

This is my son's girlfriend so I don't have to hide her face. She insisted that she went to the hairdresser before I could take her picture. No problem. It was worth the wait. The last time I saw her, that was Christmas last year, she had recently cut her hair and the lenght was up to the bottom of her neck. Look at her now.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

What was he focusing on!!

I just received this picture for a fello trini. The picture is not perfect but it would have to work for the time being. She said that her boo does not have much photo skills but I could not resist and ask her what he was focusing on??? LOL.

I remember the day I first met this young lady, I was admiring her hair from day one. She has and still has beautiful long hair. I could tell that she has alot of pride in her hair.

In those days, I was still proving my point that I could actually grow my hair long. At that time I wore a hair piece every day. Until one day I realized that my hair was longer than the hair piece. SUCCESS!!!
Hopefully my friend would send me a better and I will upload a revised picture.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

You are not getting away!

This is my niece-in-law she just dropped by a few minutes age to 'hail' us up. We were outside roasting some breadfruit. I told her that I wanted to take her picture but initially she refused because she said that her hair was in no condition for pictures. Of course I made her remove her rubber band and she complied with my request.

She almost left with me not getting a picture but I insisted and this is what I got.

I remember one year she literally cut off all her hair and I was so upset with her. But in about six months, when I saw again, it had all grown back.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Absolutely Beautiful!

Today I went to my private courier to collect an item that I purchased for my husband as a surprise. I was in a hurry so I left my hand bag in my jeep. I only walked with my cell phone.
When I got into the office I saw one of the attendants with her hair nicely combed. Now I have known this lady for a few years (now personally really) and I can't remember ever seeing her hair looking so lovely. She mostly had it pulled back in a ponytail or something. I politely asked to take her picture with my cell phone and she just smiled.
I must say that I am impressed this picture that I got with my cell phone.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Black and Beautiful

I am always admiring this young lady's hair. Her hair is black and just beautiful. She is one of my co-workers and she is from Jamaica and no she is not Spanish.

One thing that bothers me though, she is always wearing a head band, for what reason, I don't know. I am always telling her to remove it and when she does, oh wow - added beauty.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Opportunity Well Used!

I am very pleased with my accomplishment today. Today is my niece-in-law's birthday (that's her on the left) and she and a few of her friends were having a birthday party at Long Bay Beach, Beef Island, BVI. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!!

I made most of the opportunity, I even had some of the young ladies remove their rubber bands from their hair so I can take a picture with their hair open out.

There was a moment I was taking
one of my many niece-in-law's picture and a
young man came by. He just came out of the sea and his hair was open out. My reaction was "WOW!!!" His hair was just awesome.

I took his picture while he was getting something to eat. I did not get a chance to speak to him so he did not know that I took his picture. That him on the left.

The young lady below is the girlfriend of my nephew-in-law. She has beautiful hair. She was not in the beach thing. She just had something to eat and left a few minutes later for a prior engagement. I am privileged to have been able to take her picture before she left.

The next picture is of my lovely niece-in-law and she is here on holiday (eventhough she is working a part time job) - she is presently studying in the USA. This other young lady below, is my niece's friend. She told me her name but I forgot. Sorry I did not get a chance to get her remove that rubber band.

Thanks guys!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Inspired Gift

I just received another compliment about my blog today from some friends of mine and two of them said that they admired my gift because they are not technically inclined. To be frank, this all come so easy for me and it is something that I like doing. I guess I have taken my gift for granted. I then realized that this is one of my gifts that I am yet to give thanks for, and have seriously taken for granted.So this my opportunity to say Thank You for this gift, Thanks You for constant inspiration!!! THANK YOU!!!!

Gorgeous Relaxed Hair!

I am privileged to be able to include these pictures of my dear friend. We have known each for more than 25 years. She is a lovely woman. About 10 years ago when I met her after not seeing her for a long time, she was wearing her hair long and it looked absolutely gorgeous. A few years after that she started putting highlights and apparently she got hooked. 

She is a native of Trinidad presently residing in Canada. I remember in 1983 (somewhere around there) she cut her hair very short (what my husband would call a 'man head', now look at her now! Ironically when we met about 10 years ago after not seeing each other for a while, I was wearing a 'man head' as well. Thanks my friend!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Always Well Groomed!

I have known this young lady for a while now and everytime I see her, her hair is always well groomed. That tells me that she spends a lot of time and effort in keeping her hair beautiful.

When I told her that I wanted to take her picture, she panicked. She thought I was doing a portrait until I told her that I wanted to take a picture from the back.

Her comment was she is not photogenic. I totally disagree with her. I am sure if I did take a portrait of her it would have been just awesome.
Thanks sweetie! Oh by the way she is a BVIlander.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Natural Or Not

This young lady is also one of my co-workers. I thought I would have had the opportunity to take her picture on Monday last but apparently she had a bad hair day. Today she surprised me with her hair well done this morning.

When I first met her she had her hair all natural. There is nothing wrong with a black woman wearing her hair natural but I know it is a lot of work. One day she came to work with her hair all straighten out. I was amazed because I did not know that she had so much hair. I had to hug her. She looked absolutely lovely that morning.

You know something, this project is allowing me the opportunity to meet woman from different countries. This is awesome!

My friend here is from Dominica.