Friday, July 24, 2009

My Personal Hair Care Tips

Proper Hair Ethics:
Do not share hair combs and brushes. Lets say (for example) you borrow a friend’s comb or hair brush and that person has dandruff, you are guarantee to get dandruff as well. 

When having a touch up done on your relaxed hair, do not apply a permanent color to your hair the same day. It damages the hair. Most hairdressers advise that the permanent color be applied about two weeks after the touch up is done. A semi permanent dye, however, can be applied the same day as the touch up. It is a color as well as a hair treatment. 

A good home hair treatment is to apply blended rosemary herb to the hair. Go under your hair dryer for about 20 minutes and then wash your hair as regular. I do not particularly like hair dryers so I place a shower cap over my hair for one hour. During this time I would do my regular house chores. If you don’t have time for a home hair treatment, make a visit to your hairdresser. 

I love Olive Oil hair products. There is an Olive oil moisturizer (it is in a spray form) that my son introduced me to when he wore his hair long and mostly had it plait in pretty corn row styles (which his sister did for him occasionally). It is absolutely great! I would sometimes spray my relaxed hair after I have washed it or after roller setting. 

Also if my hair is a bit dry, I would apply a little spray. Try to avoid using blow dryers and curling irons regularly, it damages and breaks the hair. Try and make an extra effort to tie your hair before going to sleep at night. Leaving the hair open out, may cause a bit of breakage. 

Personally, if I leave my hair open out and go to sleep, sometime during the night I may find my husband arm on my hair and in my attempt to remove my hair it breaks. This absolutely aggravates me. The only time I will blow dry my hair is when I go to the hair dresser and I am not in the mood to go under the hair dryer, I will let them blow dry my hair. 

On a regular basis, while I'm having my pedicure done, I would go under the hair dryer. Try and avoid pulling back your hair in a ponytail or bun everyday, it recedes the hairline after a while. Come on ladies, we as black women have beautiful hair, lets take care of hair and let the world see our beautiful hair.


DeJa Vu said...

I would love to exchange links. I'm putting up your link now.

Sunshine Abuwi said...

Have you ever considered going natural? That is a sure fire way to grow long healthy hair and keep all the money you would be paying a stylist!

Being natural is a great way to retain length!
Check out my blog and see what you think.

mr. nichols said...

My wife is really into hair, but I have no clue when it comes to conditioners and whatnot. Your blog is very interesting.

Soleilwriter said...

I enjoyed reading your blog, very informative and inspiring. I will be making constant visits! It appealed to me because I'm on a Natural Hair care journey that I would like to share with you. A Return to Ones Natural Roots Part I & Part II blog posting. You can check my blog out or you have my permission to repost it or feel free to use the share link.