I am so excited to show you my recent hair product purchases.
- 1 pack funnels
- 1 pretty bottle
- 1 large tub of coconut oil
- 1 bottle of Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula with Vitamin E - Relishing Hair Milk; Frizz-Free Moisturize and Shine
- Neutrogena Triple Moisture Cream Lather Shampoo
- Neutrogena Triple Moisture Daily Deep Conditioner
- 1 wide tooth comb
- 1 pack of Pony O
The pretty bottle is to put my coconut oil in. The funnel is to pour the coconut oil from the tub into the pretty oil. That way I can keep my coconut oil for my hair and face separate from what I use to cook with. One day I was deep conditioning my hair with the coconut oil and I had to get the oil from the kitchen. My husband commented that I was treating my hair in the kitchen.
I bought the pretty bottle prior to my last set of purchases to put my coconut oil. This bottle will be left in the kitchen. So when I am cooking, I will just pour from this bottle and replenish when it is almost empty. I used the funnel to fill it up.The Pony O. I notice that putting my hair into Bantu Knots, I have a little problem with the hair clips. There is a little knob at the end of each clip and after time they get loose and get stuck in my hair when I am removing them from my hair. I hate that. So I decided to buy these Pony O to put around each Bantu Knot. It will also help to the ends of my hair in place. I notice that if I don't twist my hair properly, some of the ends of my hair is straight when I finger comb my hair out. The last picture is of me from the behind with my hair in Bantu Knots secured by the Pony O.
Bantu Knots are getting much better
Most definately Selena. I am improving and enjoying it!
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