Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My First Grey Hair

My son was telling me last night that I had a grey hair and I was doubting him so he took this picture to prove his point. I normally have a burgundy rinse in my hair so the greys are not really visible.  But since I have decided to stretch my relaxer, all the rinse has been washed out and now the greys are 'peeping' out!  

It is white strand that looks like a worm. This week is 13 weeks since I last relaxed my hair, I would most definitely be touching up my hair this weekend.


DeJa Vu said...

I've had grey hair since I was 12. I love them! Its fun to search & destroy.

Hair and Beyond said...

LOL, something I am not looking forward to, though I know its coming.

Unknown said...

You can now see my greys all to the front of my hairline. lol,lol so depressing, then again...I am not getting any younger.

Martina J said...

Search and destry!!!! I like that!! LOL!!! My mother is 83 years young and she only has a few. I can guarantee you that she does not dye her hair. My husband has more grey hair than her.

I think we can be creative and make grey hairs work for us. I like using a rinse so the greys looks like highlights. I say a lady dye her hair in a sort of silver/grey/blue color and it look absolutely fantastic!