Friday, October 16, 2009

Co-wash results

I co-wash my hair last night and this is how my hair looked this morning after I finger combed it out. Don't like it.
After I did the co-wash process, I semi towel dried my hair and applied my coconut oil moisturizer and caster oil. I then combed my hair and put in into four Bantu Knots. The next morning my hair was still a little damp. What I may do next time is to roller set my hair the night before and figure out what I will do the next morning- maybe pin curl.

My female co workers have been noticing my hair experiments, one lady asked me what happened to my curls I had to explain that I co washed my hair the night before.

Another lady told me that my hair looks wet.


This is a post that I read today, from one of my followers. It so happended she did a post on co washing as well. Check out her post.

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