Saturday, October 31, 2009

Organics Olive Oil Conditioning Relaxer System

I touched up my hair today after 13 weeks. This is the first time I have stretched my relaxer hair this long.  Maybe next time I will go for 17 weeks. 

I purchased a box of Organics Olive Oil Conditioning Relaxer System for $14.99 which I thought was a bit expensive until I saw the contents. There are two containers of relaxer therefore I can get two touch ups with the purchase of one box!

There are also two packets of Organics Olive Oil Cream Moisturizer and two packets of Organics Conditioning Hair Mayonnaise in the kit. I always liked this relaxer but for sometime now my hairdresser did not have any in stock so I purchased my own today to have my hair touched up.

Before I left the salon, I had my hairdresser wrap my hair and when I got home I combed it out so to take this picture.  I normally put a rinse in my hair but I did not so this time.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Last night I was looking though YouTube videos to see if I could find a way to style my hair after I co-washed it, and as I am stretching my relaxer. But I could not find anything that was pleasing to me. I did co wash my hair and decided that I will pull back my hair in one today. But after all the pretty hair styles, I h ad my hair in, for the past few weeks, I found it difficult to revert back to my old ways.

My Bantu Knots comb out was not looking too good yesterday, my new growths were really outstanding. So I decided to look for a different way to style my hair in the stretching relaxer phase.

I notice that after I wash and condition my hair, it gets tangle quite a bit. I am wondering if it is because I am stretching my relaxer or the new shampoo and conditioner that I purchased are not working for me. They are both Neutrogena products.

During sleep and wake, last night I got an spiritual inspiration to set my hair a particular way so when I got up about 4:30am this morning I set my hair as I was inspired. The results look pretty good and I am pleased. I had my husband take these pictures. Only one change I will make next time, I will use some smaller rollers to the back of my head. I normally wear my hair straight so I mostly have large rollers.

My new growths are more tamed this morning and I like the fact that my hair is well moisturized but not greasy AND I am not scratching my scalp as much. Since I have been doing Bantu comb outs I notice I have been scratching my scalp a lot. I don’t know if it is all in my mind?????

Baggy Method

I found this video yesterday and I thought
I would share.  Its a simple method of moisturing and sealing your hair at night and securing the ends of your hair.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My First Grey Hair

My son was telling me last night that I had a grey hair and I was doubting him so he took this picture to prove his point. I normally have a burgundy rinse in my hair so the greys are not really visible.  But since I have decided to stretch my relaxer, all the rinse has been washed out and now the greys are 'peeping' out!  

It is white strand that looks like a worm. This week is 13 weeks since I last relaxed my hair, I would most definitely be touching up my hair this weekend.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Braid out

I took these first set of pictures of my braid out and did not particiall like the result.  I combed my hiar into four vertical corn rows and combed out my hair the next day.  At time I was not into finger combing.

The next set of pictures is of my second attempt at braid out.  This time I combed my hair into seven dingle plaits.  But since I was a bit concerned about the ends of my hair being straight, I then rolled each plait into a finger pin curl.  The next day I unplait each plait and finger combed my hair. Again I did not really like the results but I will give it a third attempt with my hair well moisturised and sealed.

 I realize that braid outs give you waves but Bantu Knots gives you curls and I love curls!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Feeling Good!

I had a great morning. I was using my friend's computer and I realized that my favicons are working on all my blogs!!!!  Yea!!!!  The reason for my excitement this morning, is on my computer, the favicon will work on one of my blogs and not the others.  I eventually got a bit frustrated and decided to move on to something else.  I have already spent quite a bit of time on this feature, now I see the results today!!!!  
I think my browser needs upgrading. 

To take my joy to a higher level, I opened my blog on Calypso Legends, and was playing the videos, so I was being entertained while I was working.  You should have seen me humming to myself and 'dancing'!  My next project is to add a favicon to my recipe website.  This is my happy face ..............

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Natural Home Remedy To Cure Dandruff

I was inspired by a friend of mine to do this post on Dandruff. Apparently she has been suffering with this problem for some time now. I found this videos with a natural home remedy to cure dandruff. 

If any of the remedies work for you, please send me an feedback.

Update: 23rd October 2009:  

The following is a conversation with the lady who inspired me to do this post:                        

My Question:  How long have you been experiencing this problem and what do you use for it?

Her Answer:  I have had dandruff for quite a number of years. I usually have the white flaky kind, which doesn't really itch me. To be honest, I have stopped using anything for it, as I have tried a few products claiming to rid them and they just didn't. I have just gotten used to it and I shampoo my hair every once a week. I have noticed that the dandruff is really more prevalent after I do a chemical procedure, and it's more like a complete covering of the scalp. If I have my hair relaxed, two days after, my head is so full of dandruff, that I would normally wash it again, which makes it twice, only for the one week.

Some products I have used are: Head and Shoulders; Neutrogena and Nizoral (I think that's the correct spelling).  Right now, I do not use anything.  NB: I don't grease my scalp

My Question:    So would greasing your scalp make matters worst? Did you get chance to try the coconut oil?  

Her Answer: Greasing will not work and when I do, my hair gets really oily. No I haven't gotten a chance to try the coconut oil.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Too much noise

In one of my previous post, there was a lot of 'noise' in my picture so I used the grey out technique to tone down the noise.

I did a step by step post on my other blog on how to do this grey out technique. Check it out.

Much success to you.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Relaxed Hair Model Of The Day

When I first started this blog, this young lady was suppose to be one of my first set of models. As you will notice, I have not posted pictures of other models for a while, I am focusing on MY hair growth these days. 

Today was this model's mother birthday and we had a lot of fun. We had cake (which I made), fruit and lots of pictures. My friend, below, looked so lovely with her new hair style that I had to take some pictures. She is very photogenic like her mother. I could not decide which pictures to post because she look so lovely in all of them. Hope I did not over do it!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Check out my post on Favicon.

Hair Happy

I am having a happy hair day today. I moisturized and sealed my hair last night and am very pleased with the results this morning. Happy, Happy Happy!!

These are some pictures that I had taken, do you see those curls??? Perfect!!!! I have a lot of new growth, Wow! I am looking goooood!!!! hehehe!!



Friday, October 16, 2009

Co-wash results

I co-wash my hair last night and this is how my hair looked this morning after I finger combed it out. Don't like it.
After I did the co-wash process, I semi towel dried my hair and applied my coconut oil moisturizer and caster oil. I then combed my hair and put in into four Bantu Knots. The next morning my hair was still a little damp. What I may do next time is to roller set my hair the night before and figure out what I will do the next morning- maybe pin curl.

My female co workers have been noticing my hair experiments, one lady asked me what happened to my curls I had to explain that I co washed my hair the night before.

Another lady told me that my hair looks wet.


This is a post that I read today, from one of my followers. It so happended she did a post on co washing as well. Check out her post.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Moisturize & Seal

Since I have decided to stretch my relaxer, I have to do whatever I can to reduce my hair breakage. Daily moisturizing and sealing helps a lot. These two videos shows you step by step how to moisturize and seal your hair.

I am now using Castor Oil, could you imagine I had this jar in my cupboard for almost a year now and never used it. I am using it now to moisturize my hair at night. I also make an extra effort to ensure that my ends are well sealed.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bantu results

Photobucket Photobucket


My model today is a fan of my Facebook page. She is also a personal friend and fello 'Trini' She paid me a vist at my office yesterday but unfortunately I was not there to see her. She wanted to show me the results of her Bantu Knot comb out. I was so excited that I told her that she had to send me some pictures. And she did.
What do you think? She looks gorgeous, doesn't she? I would have loved to have seen her with her hair not combed up. She has very long hair. Hope to see many more pictures of her hair results.

Check out this page with some awesome videos about Trinidad & Tobago. Photobucket

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I just learned something today. A lot of ladies in the hair videos, talked about co-washing their hair and I was wondering what that was so here is the explanation!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Air Dry my hair

I use these instructions to air dry my hair it is quite easy and I have gotten the results just like the lady in the video.

My deep condition routine is to wash my hair first with my regular shampoo and then towel dry a bit and apply some coconut oil.

I then place a shower cap over my head then I put a wash towel tin the microwave for two minutes and then I place the cloth over the shower cap. I then place another shower over my head covering the wash cloth and the first shower cap.

I will leave the caps on for one hour, during this time I would remove the wash cloth, wet it and microwave it again. I will repeat this step three times. I take this time to apply a face mask. I fill first apply come coconut oil and then the face mask. After the hour is up, I wash off the face mask and shampoo and condition my hair.

I then towel dry my hair a bit and then apply my moisturiser. I use a big teeth comb to comb out my hair, pin it up and they tie my head. The only problem I have with this method is that my hair stays longer to dry so in order for me to put my hair in Bantu Knots or pin curl, I would have to wash my hair on Saturday and style on Sunday.

Air drying the relaxed hair normally leave the hair frizzy and dry so this method should help. I learned that air drying my hair this way is also a good way to stretch my relaxer. My last relaxer was on 2nd August 2009.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Recent Purchases For My Natural Hair Journey

I am so excited to show you my recent hair product purchases.
  1. 1 pack funnels
  2. 1 pretty bottle
  3. 1 large tub of coconut oil
  4. 1 bottle of Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula with Vitamin E - Relishing Hair Milk; Frizz-Free Moisturize and Shine
  5. Neutrogena Triple Moisture Cream Lather Shampoo
  6. Neutrogena Triple Moisture Daily Deep Conditioner
  7. 1 wide tooth comb
  8. 1 pack of Pony O

The pretty bottle is to put my coconut oil in. The funnel is to pour the coconut oil from the tub into the pretty oil. That way I can keep my coconut oil for my hair and face separate from what I use to cook with. One day I was deep conditioning my hair with the coconut oil and I had to get the oil from the kitchen. My husband commented that I was treating my hair in the kitchen. 

bought the pretty bottle prior to my last set of purchases to put my coconut oil. This bottle will be left in the kitchen. So when I am cooking, I will just pour from this bottle and replenish when it is almost empty. I used the funnel to fill it up. 

The Pony O. I notice that putting my hair into Bantu Knots, I have a little problem with the hair clips. There is a little knob at the end of each clip and after time they get loose and get stuck in my hair when I am removing them from my hair. I hate that. So I decided to buy these Pony O to put around each Bantu Knot. It will also help to the ends of my hair in place. I notice that if I don't twist my hair properly, some of the ends of my hair is straight when I finger comb my hair out. The last picture is of me from the behind with my hair in Bantu Knots secured by the Pony O.       


Saturday, October 10, 2009

How I tie my head at night

I am so excited about this, I just created a slideshow video and uploaded to YouTube!!!!
My son gave me brief instructions on what to do and here it is.
It is about simple instructions on how I tie my head at night with my silk scarf. I do hope you enjoy it!