Monday, September 28, 2009

Stretching My Relaxer

I had my last touch up done on 2nd August 2009. Normally by the end of the second month, I would do a touch up again. I would know that my hair need a touch because I would notice a lot of breakage.

I now have enough knowledge that I hereby make a goal to stretch my touch by another month. Therefore I will have my hair done the first week in November.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bantu Knots 2

I was watching this video last night on how to style your hair after setting it in Bantu Knots. I tried Bantu Knots in my hair before and I did not really like the results.

This is how my hair looks in the Bantu Knots.

This morning, the first thing that I did was to untie my hair. Wait.... did I say untie???? That means that my silk head tie remained on my hair for the entire night!!!! Success!!!! I think the knots helped my head tie not to slip off my head.

I carefully unrolled each knot and finger combed my hair. This is the results. I like the look this time around.

Okay so I proceeded to style my hair as I saw in the video but my hair was just flopping down. I was not getting the look I wanted. When I did get something close, my son (he took out these pictures) he absolutely did not like it and told me to try something else. Wow he is a tough photographer!!

So I tried and tried and this is what I came up with.

See my post on my first Bantu Knots results. Looking at that post now, I think I did not moisturize my hair enough and I did not twist and wrap each know tight enough!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Satin Head Scarf Experience

My daughter sent me this beautiful silk head scarf because I read many post on personal hair treatment stating that you should tie your head with a satin head scarf at night. Even my daughter told me that I should get one. So I did. Well this is my first report. I ensured that the head scarf was well secured on my head so I said to myself that maybe this will work. About 2:00am this morning, guess what, the head scarf was off my head! So you know what, I will be using my old faithful cotton bandanna tonight!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pin Curls

I watched a few videos on this top and this is the one that I am happy with to add to this post. It is an tutorial on Pin Curls. I have putting my hair in pin curls for this entire week and am kind of liking the results - see my pictures below.

This is the result of my first attempt and mind you this picture was taken in the evening after work. When I was doing each pin curl, I applied my moisturizer to each set of hair and I did about ten curls total.

The next morning, I just used my finger to comb out my hair.

This picture is the result of rolling my hair into four pin curls, two on the top of my head and two at the bottom of my head. But first I ensure that I combed out my hair thoroughly and moisturized my hair with special emphasis on the end.

The next morning, I used a wide teeth comb to comb out my hair.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I went to the bank yesterday to conduct some business and I saw this gentleman being attended to. I looked at him and eventually convinced myself that I should approach him and ask for his picture. I did follow through with my thought. He was a bit surprised at my request but he gave me his consent.

When I was almost finished taking his picture, I saw one of the bank managers get up from his seat and approach me. He said that I am not supposed to be taking pictures at the bank. He even said that he may take away my camera. I apologized, I really did not know that pictures could not be taken at the bank. As a matter of fact I did not see any signs on their walls or anything.

Anyway about my model, after the drama with the bank manager, I asked him if he did not think that he had beautiful hair. Because when I asked him for his picture he wanted to know why and I told him that I have a blog about black people with beautiful hair. Apparently he does not realize that his hair is beautiful. Maybe after reading this blog, he may begin to think differently?

But I must say, judging by the head of hair that he has, it is well taken care of with pride.

Dancing around the world

I received the url for this video this morning. At first watching I found it to be a bit uninteresting. As I watched on, I smiled. I like especially when he was dancing among the crabs in Australia. I just wanted to share this video with my viewers, hope it puts a smile on your face like it did for me. Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sista Locks

When I first saw this hair style, I had to ask the lady if it was her real hair and she said that it was. Her hair is natural in the style called Sista Locks. I like how it looks but seems like a lot of time has to be spent by the hairdresser to get it done.

I did the border thing with this online picture resizer. There are alot of other cool features.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Guess What?

This fine gentleman came into the store but left before I had a chance to approach him. You see I was so busy, I was unable to leave what I doing to do my thing.

But guess what? He returned later on in the day and I had the opportunity to attend to him and take a few pictures. I told a friend of mine that she should not be surprised if I decide to wear my hair natural because I admire people who wear their hair like this and keep it in perfect condition like this gentleman! 

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Natural to Relax

I just received these pictures, from my daughter, this morning. They are pictures of her lovely friend. She said that she was wearing her hair natural for eight years and decided that she wanted a change so she relaxed her hair.

I think she should have just blow dried it, in the event that she decides that she made a wrong decision, her hair would be all natural after about a week.

I think her hair looks fabulous natural and relaxed.