Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Unwanted 'DreadLocks'!

Okay people, this is my latest update. In my last post, I had a picture of my hair braided. Well even though it looked great, I did not want to leave the braids in my hair for any lengthy period of time. So the next weekend I decided to have my hairdresser style my hair. Unfortunately I did not take any pictures. 

She twist the front and put the balance of the hair in one and rolled it into a bun. I left the salon feeling good about my hair and saying to myself that I can keep this hairstyle for a few weeks.

Well after the third day I found that I was scratching my scalp alot and it was quite aggravating. Make me feel as if I was unclean. I don't think I made a week after I had my hair styled. A few days later I unwrapped the hair and applied some moisturizer to my scalp. I felt alot better and I noticed that I was not itching as much after that. 

Well on Friday evening after work, I decided to remove the braids, wash my hair and have it relaxed on Monday on my day off (the braids was looking very untidy). It did not take long to remove the braids because the plaits were large. But after I washed my hair, the nightmare began. 

Certain parts of my hair knotted up and I was unable to untangle them. It was so ironic. I was thinking of ‘locking’ my hair and here I was with parts of my hair in unwanted locks!

So Saturday morning bright and early I want to my hairdresser to have her untangle my hair. I was a bit scared as I thought she would have told me that I would have to cut my hair to remove the knots. But it went well.


Natasha -- said...

Cutting wouldn't have been necessary. It's possible to remove even mature locs by yourself with lots of conditioner...and patience.

Since this is the first time you experienced this, however, it was smart to go to a hair stylist for help.

When you do get locs, err, on purpose...let us know! :wink:

Martina J said...

Thanks so much for the advise Natasha! I was speaking with a friend a few days ago and she said that it the gel that was put in my hair when it was being styled that caused my hair to knot up like that. And it made sense because the areas where my hair knotted up what the areas that the gel was applied!

Natasha -- said...

Yikes, Nativa! Assuming you went back to the same hairdresser, did they say what the cause of the knots were?

Martina J said...

Actually is the same salon but not the same hairdresser plus their native language is Spanish and they do not speak English too well. So I did not go into any length to say that I blamed any one.