Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chris Rock

I recently saw a documentary hosted by Chris Rock, it was about black woman and their hair. One particular interview that he did that stood at me was with a group of about four ladies. He asked them what are the disadvantages of growing your hair natural and one woman gave her opinion that when - a women attends an interview with her natural (some women wear their hair as if they plait it the night before and just unplait it the next morning), she personally would not take the person seriously. It is a fact, some people do still think like that. There was a lady, within the group that Chris interviewed, who wore her hair exactly like that.

But if the bearer of the hairstyle, just styles the natural hair, I think she/he would be more respected. It’s just like the first impressions of a person wearing a Rasta hairstyle are not of a serious nature. It is totally different if that same person walks into a room with their hair well cut and groomed.

When I first migrated to the BVI, you were not permitted to stay on the island if you wore a Rasta hairstyle. I remember one year for BVI Music Festival, Singing Sandra (a singer from Trinidad & Tobago) was sent back home because the wore this hair style. She was to perform at the festival.

The BVI laws were revised a few years later.
Things are changing these days and alot of black men and women are wearing their hair in locks as a choice of hairstyle. It is their choice to wear their hair natural and the world needs to see how beautiful the black hair is AND it can grow very long!!!!

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