YouTube has made some changes to their terms of service again!!!
I was going through my YouTube feed and saw a video with a thumbnail titled that YouTube will be deleting channels. So of course I had to click on the video. The summary of what the youtuber said is that YouTube will be deleting channels that are not making any money. So I thought to myself that this did not sound right.
There are so many new channels coming on stream these days and these days it is very hard (in my opinion) to meet the requirements to get your channel monetized. YouTube now requires that channels have 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours within the last 12 months for a channel to be monetized. I don't want to believe that this is the way that Youtube is heading because basically they would be shutting down many channels that have great potential to bring in some good advertising dollars!!!
In invite you to watch my video sharing my opinion and also watch Darrel Eves contribution on this subject. Many Youtubers are interpreting this new terms of service in their own way and in doing so might be sharing the wrong message.