Saturday, July 16, 2011

Headaches Caused By Heavy Long DreadLocks

I met this lovely lady, Mary, on my trip to Trinidad in June of this year and my first question to her was if the dye in her hair was not causing her hair to break and she responded negatively.  Another piece of information that she provided me with, is that her hair was much longer and she had to cut it because it had gotten too heavy!

I was very surprised as I never thought of long locks being heavy.  Apparently the weight was causing her headaches etc. In addition when she washed her hair it was even heavier!!!  I can relate to this because on the few occasions I installed braids in my hair and when I washed it, I felt the weight of the hair on my head.  Very interesting piece of information.  Dreadlocks Stocking Cap

This is Mary before she cut her hair!