Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bad Hair Week

Well I don't have any good hair news to report. As a matter of fact I have been having a bad hair week.  I don't understand. I washed my hair but the results of my Bantu Knots comb out (which I really enjoy) are not looking very pleasing to me at all.  Now I was invited to a function on Sunday and I don't know how to style my hair.  But I however have a quick fix solution but would not tell you right now.  I will surprise you withsome pictures in my next post.  I sure I am going to look 'hot'.

Well last night I shampooed and conditioned my hair because it was feeling a bit itchy.  I towel dried a bit, applied some coconut oil moisturizer and castrol oil, combed it back in one and tied my head.  I will be combing my hair in one until I can figure what to do with my hair next.

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