Monday, August 5, 2013

Its Official I have Started My Relaxed to Natural Hair Transition Journey

Okay I was just reviewing my last few post and the last time that my hair was relaxed was for my birthday in February 25.  So that was five months ago.

I would like to say that I am officially on my transition from relaxed hair to natural hair journey! 

As you know in quite a few of my posts I spoke about my intention of going this route but eventually I just ending up relaxing my hair.  Even though I admire people with their loced hair I really do not want to go down that road.  I want to be able to manipulate (wash, comb) my hair when ever I please.  I notice I would often touch the roots (new growth) of my hair and am actually enjoying the wave patters!  Normally I will feel the new roots and say 'hey it is time to go to the hairdresser!'
Youtube videos, on this topic, have given me a lot of inspiration.  There are many women on this journey of transition from relaxed hair to their natural hair.  Many are doing it because they have been having a lot of hair problems like hair loss due to the relaxers!
Some people do a 'Big Chop' that is cutting off all the relaxed hairand leaving only the new growth.  I do not intent to do this.  I will just continue to do protective styles (e.g. Bantu Knots, braiding my hair) in my hair.
I have even started a Youtube Channel just for this topic.